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TREAL Brass Rear Axle Counterweight Heavy Weight 58g for SCX10 III Ford Bronco/Jeep CJ-7 Straight Rear Axle
C-AXI03014BT2 - Axial SCX10 III Early Ford Bronco 4WD Scale Crawler RTR - White
C-AXI03008T1 - Axial 1/10 SCX10 III Jeep CJ-7 4WD Brushed RTR - Red
C-AXI03014BT1 - Axial SCX10 III Early Ford Bronco 4WD Scale Crawler RTR - Blue
C-AXI03008T2 - Axial 1/10 SCX10 III Jeep CJ-7 4WD Brushed RTR - Grey
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X003017K9B - Treal Hobby Brass Rear Axle Counterweight Heavy Weight 58g for SCX10 III Straight Axles (Early Bronco/ Jeep CJ-7)